Introduction to My Blog
Whatever your reason for checking out my new blog, thank you. I hope you’ll find something in these posts interesting, enlightening or at least entertaining. Please let me know one way or the other as feedback is always a useful tool to achieve improvement. I may make changes that will reflect your feedback, but then again, maybe not.
This blog is mostly for me as I work at this next chapter in my life that I suspended about 45 years ago as a college student. I left the chapter hanging for many good reasons, some of which I will explore in the posts to come. I have no regrets about putting my aspirations to be a potter on hold while I pursued other interests and ultimately a career in public school education that spanned thirty five years and included time as an elementary, middle and high school teacher as well as principal of each of the three levels.
The plan that I had when I put pottery on pause was not to leave it for as long as I did, but that’s how it turned out. First, it was five years, then ten, then twenty. Suddenly, it seemed and with retirement on the horizon, I kept moving forward. During this time, however, I wondered if pottery was a legitimate calling in life, that big thing that I was to do, that I had gifts for, the dream. I always knew that I would find out someday. So, here I am, 45 years later, working at picking up where I left off. These posts will shed some light on how my goal of becoming a working potter is going, the ups and downs, the joys and challenges.
I don’t plan to offer insights of my progress in any kind of chronological order, but rather the writings will tell the story of time and place in varied ways. Some of my writing will allow for the sharing of very technical knowledge, some will include none of that. I will share my own vulnerabilities and self-doubt at times and other times will not. There may be a few hidden morals to my stories or lesson to learn, others will offer just the facts. Mostly, I can promise an honest and sincere look at what this experience is like and how I see myself and those I come in contact with as the central characters in my story.
Again, thank you for checking this out and seriously, let me know what you think.